Meet the Team

Infusing a comprehensive family life education perspective into learning that supports everyone.

At Happy Day Play, we pride ourselves on our certified expertise in early education, human development, and family support, setting us apart by offering comprehensive focus that extends beyond traditional programs. With a blend of personal insights from raising our own families and professional qualifications, we provide unparalleled guidance and support to children, parents and the entire family unit. Our approach not only fosters the holistic development of each child but also creates a vibrant, nurturing environment where every family receives the tailored care and attention they deserve to flourish together.

Meet the Founder of Happy Day Play

Kaitlynn Blyth, Family Life Educator

Kaitlynn is the founder of Happy Day Play Family Learning, NYC's only education company offering an evidence-based model through a family science lens. She is a mother of two young children, a family life educator and member of the National Council on Family Relations, and previously led organic content strategy for and its award-winning app, providing trusted content for parents worldwide from preconception to age five.

Our Program Leaders at JCC of Staten Island

  • stephanie cohn happy day play

    Stephanie Cohn

    Originating from Brooklyn, NY, Stephanie is a dedicated professional with extensive expertise in child development and family support. With nine years as a paraprofessional in UPK, 3K, and special education 3K at the Department of Education, she excels in nurturing children's growth across diverse educational settings. Stephanie's passion for holistic development also shined through her leadership in coaching basketball, where she inspired physical, cognitive, and personal growth in young athletes.

  • Midori Nakasima

    Midori brings a robust background in human development and community integration, coupled with a decade of childcare expertise that includes fostering Spanish fluency and creating nurturing environments. Her commitment to community betterment is highlighted by her impactful work supporting families in the Sierra Tarahumara, Chihuahua, Mexico, where she provided essential services and contributed to improving living conditions.

  • Kristen Davila

    Originating from vibrant Queens, NY, Kristen brings a wealth of expertise in both general and special education, fortified by a Master’s Degree, multiple certifications, and extensive teaching experience. Her dedication to early childhood education, beginning at birth, is complemented by a strong emphasis on fostering literacy through innovative and captivating programs that inspire curiosity and a love for learning.

Our Program Assistants at JCC of Staten Island

  • Nicolette Ivanicki

    Nicolette is poised to complete her Childhood Education degree, bringing experience in nurturing children from infancy to nine years old across special and general education settings. Renowned for her engaging sensory art projects and enchanting portrayals as Elsa from “Frozen” at children’s parties, Nicolette is also celebrated for her community involvement, earning accolades from the Miss Staten Island Pageant and recognition as an All American Cheerleading nominee. She fervently advocates for her anti-bullying initiative, "Don’t Stand By, Stand Up," showcased through her active participation in pageants promoting social change.

  • Tatiana Torres

    Tatiana is currently pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education and brings a wealth of diverse professional and personal experiences to Happy Day Play. With a background as a teaching assistant in elementary school, a camp counselor, and working at a local grown up and me style program, Tatiana has developed a deep understanding of children's needs and behaviors. Her roles have honed her skills in creating engaging and supportive learning environments while fostering strong connections with both children and their families. As a dedicated mother herself, Tatiana offers hands-on experience in child development and family support, making her a valuable asset to the team at Happy Day Play.

A Word From Our Staff to Our Beloved Families

  • "Working at Happy Day Play has been an incredible experience for me. Our team's dedication to creating engaging and innovative experiences for your children is unmatched. We're a diverse group with unique strengths, but our shared passion for nurturing children's growth and happiness unites us. Watching the ideas we bounce off of each other come to life, and seeing the impact it has in our classes through those smiling little faces is truly priceless."

    Love, Ms. Kristen

  • “When you walk into Happy Day Play, I want you to feel at home, like you are in your backyard. My goal is to make every child comfortable and able to be themselves, so when they leave Happy Day Play, they know they are truly loved.”

    Love, Miss Tatiana

  • "Watching these children grow from when they started until now is truly the most rewarding experience. I love going into work everyday and seeing new and familiar smiling faces. I love watching the excitement of each child's face and the bond between child and grown up growing. Our families make this job easy to do and even more fun everyday!"

    Love, Ms. Stephanie

  • "We are so happy to have you here, prioritizing quality time with your family. There truly is no greater parent or caregiver for your child than you—yes, YOU! You're brave enough to live the life of your dreams, aligned with your vision and purpose, and you've found a place that sees and supports you, and is here for you."

    Love, Ms. Midori

  • "It is truly a privilege to be a part of their growth and to witness their milestones. From seeing babies sit up on their own for the first time, to watching them experience bubbles for the first time. I even love being able to see each child break out of their shell more and more as they come to our classes and before you know it, they’re basically running our classes telling us what they want to do next, and when they’re “all done!”.

    Love, Miss Nicolette